About Coaching

  1. Helps you create the life of your dreams
  2. You will Discover How to:
  • Discover Your Truest Self
  • Let go of all the Should-a’s, Could-a’s and Would-a’s getting in the way of your Dreams
  • Uncover your current Inner Self Image and Create the Inner Self Image of your Truest Self
  • Let-Go and Surrender all old programming that no longer serves you
  • Clarify your vision for your life and create more abundance
  • Gain Confidence to build your dreams and increase your self-worth
  • Identify exactly what you want to create in your life
  • Clearly Identify Your Unique Purpose
  • Identify your natural gifts, strengths and genius zone
  • Uncover lost dreams and desires
  • Use NLP, Meditation and Emotional Release Techniques to surrender old belief systems
  • Gain confidence and Clarity around you, your strengths and your unique purpose
  • Reclaim The Life of Your Dreams
  • Identify the Dreams you’ve lost, replaced or shelved
  • Understand why you let them go and reclaim your desire for them
  • Explore and understand why your dreams are yours and why you are the only one to achieve them
  • Energetically expand to allow your dreams to come to fruition
  • Be More Fully YOU so you can Love YOUR Dreams
  • Speak your truth clearly with conviction
  • Create a schedule to maximize your time so you are not wearing yourself out
  • Learn to delegate tasks that are not in your genius zone
  • Re-Enroll yourself and your loved ones into your dreams

This package is for you if:

  • You know you were meant for more than this
  • You want to fulfill your purpose in life
  • You want to find the passion in your life again
  • You want more fulfillment in your life and you want a clear path to get there
  • You want more energy to reach your dreams
  • You want to receive and generate new ideas and ‘Play outside of the Box’
  • You are willing to stop self -sabotaging yourself and your dreams
  • You know deep down you are ready for a change that takes time, commitment and potentially an entirely new paradigm
  • You are ready and willing to “do the work” for your mental, emotional and spiritual parts of your life
  • You are extremely coach-able and will implement the practices provided
  • You’ve had a conversation with Jason and are accepted into the Heart Core Premium Coaching Program

This program may not fit your needs if:

  • You are not coach-able
  • You don’t listen well
  • You aren’t willing to make changes
  • You are not ready to let go of your stories and excuses
  • You aren’t ready to commit to becoming your truest self
  • You would rather stay where you are than grow
  • You are worried about what people will think about you
  • You are more concerned with staying comfortable than growing
  • You think you cannot change
  • You think that you are hopeless and have no chance

Get in Touch Today!

If you would like to know more about what I offer or what I do, please contact me using this form.

Contact Jason B. Kendrick

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